Nokia 603 - Share a photo or video from Gallery

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Share a photo or video from Gallery
Want to upload your photos or videos to a social networking service for your friends

and family to see? You can do that directly from Gallery.

1 Select >



2 Select a photo or video, tap the screen to show the toolbar, and select




Tip: If you're already signed in to a social networking service, you can share

directly to that service. Select , tap the screen to show the toolbar, and select

the service icon on the photo toolbar.

When you share your photo or video for the first time, you may need to sign in to

the social networking service. You only have to sign in the first time you share


3 Add a comment if you like, and select



Tip: You can also share your photos and videos with another phone that supports

NFC. To share, select a photo or video, and touch the other phone with the NFC area

of your phone.